About Us

If it doesn't say REAL TUFF,
It's not "real tuff!"
REAL-TUFF, Inc. has been owned & operated by Alain Comte of Canada and Dave Dahlberg of Clearbrook, MN, since 1994. We are committed to selling quality cattle equipment at a reasonable price; all the while, seeking opportunities for improvement. Because we are using the equipment on our farms it keeps us hands-on and proactive in the cattle equipment business. Lastly, we believe we have the very best equipment on the market!

Owner - Al Comte testing equipment in early years
Alain Comte grew up on a mixed farm near Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Manitoba, Canada. Al was inventive and spent his spare time building and improving livestock handling systems on his family farm. Neighbors were so impressed with Al's equipment that they wanted it for their farms. In 1982 a production line was set up in the farm shop, which doubled in size in 1985 to meet the growing demand. 1990 brought more changes as a factory was built and the company expanded five times creating more space for new machines, better equipment, and growing markets in Canada and the United States. Understanding what works and what is essential in designing and manufacturing cattle equipment for every farm and ranch.
Along with Dave Dahlberg from Minnesota, USA, Al was one of the original partners in starting the "Real Tuff, Inc." manufacturing plant in Mobridge, South Dakota, expanding the business to the United States. Meanwhile, Al continues to design equipment in Canada and keeps us current with the market.

Owner - Dave Dahlberg has been selling equipment over the years
Dave Dahlberg was raised on a farm near Clearbrook, MN, 100 miles south of the Canadian b. He earned a BA in biology and taught at Bethel and Augsburg colleges in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Dave bought his first farm near Askov, MN, shortly after college, where he taught high school math and science and coached BB and Cross Country. Meanwhile, he ran his own cow/calf operation. Then in the late 70s, he moved back to Clearbrook and took over his dad's insurance agency while continuing to run his cow/calf operation. Since then, he also began selling livestock handling equipment built by Al Comte from Canada directly from his farm.
Later in the 1990s, he became one of the founders, along with Al Comte, of the new manufacturing plant named "Real Tuff, Inc." in Mobridge, SD. Dave loves selling cattle equipment and continues to run a 250-cow/calf operation. Our equipment proves its functionality, tuffness, and simplicity at Dave's cow/calf operation. This way, he knows what works well and what does not so that the equipment can be tweaked. In addition, Dave attends the livestock trade shows and visits with ranchers and farmers, listening to their input while incorporating their great ideas.

Plant Manager - Jim Silbernagel
Jim has been with Real Tuff for 28 years and was the first employee hired. A father of three children and eight grandchildren and has been married for 35 years. Jim's hobby is raising longhorn cattle which he justifies by saying, "I can always eat them." He grew up on a farm, ranch in North Dakota.
Here’s what some of our customers have been saying about our product:
“ Talk about saving money on medical bills! Not only for the cows, but also my personal medical bills! ”
On the Hoof Trimming Chute : “ I've never had a chute like this that is so versatile! ”
“ Best investment I could ever make for my farm. ”